Victor Nizovtsev

Painter of Fables, Fantasy and the Theatrical

Oil Paintings by Victor Nizovtsev

New Exhibition: Opening Thursday, December 2, 6:00 - 11:00pm

"In Another Realm"

Meet Victor Nizovtsev: Thursday Evening
December 2nd, 6:00 - 11pm

Victor's newest work is creative, imaginative and inspiring.
Come and Enjoy!

On Exhibit: December 2 - January 23, 2022

More Nizovtsev Paintings and Giclee prints

Time of Change


30 x 40



Carnivale Enigma

12 x 14




New Giclee 2020

Bathing Beauty


18 x 14


Giclee Available

Paper 9 x7 - $50
Medium Stretched Canvas
18 x 14 - $208
Large Stretched Canvas
27 x 21 - $423
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed

Golden Curtain

Oil 16 x 22



Little Angel


16 x 14





12 x 16

Prints may be ordered



Victor and Anya

Victor Nizovtsev Biography

Victor Nizovtsev is a masterful oil painter of theatrical figurative composition, fantasy, landscapes, and still life. While his professional art training occurred in Russia, as an artist Victor is a student of rich and diverse experiences. Inspiration for Victor’s art comes from all he sees and touches. It can be Greek mythology, Russian folklore, childhood memories, great Masters of the past, or routine daily life.

New Giclee 2020


Oil - 14 x 11

Oil Painting


Giclee Available
to Order VN282

Paper 10.18 x8 - $60
Medium Stretched Canvas
14 x 11- $137
Large Stretched Canvas
28 x 22 - $467
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed

New Giclee 2020

Mermaid Curves

Oil - 16 x 12

Oil Painting

Giclee Available
to Order VN254

Paper 10.67 x 8 - $68
Medium Stretched Canvas
16 x 12 - $165
Large Stretched Canvas
24 x 18 - $337
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed

New Giclee 2020

Royal Steed

Oil - 18 x 14


Giclee Available
to order: VN208

Paper 12.86 x10 - $90
Medium Stretched Canvas
18 x 14 - $208
Large Stretched Canvas
27 x 21 - $432
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed

New Giclee 2020

Waiting for Inspiration

Oil - 42 x 26


Giclee Available
to order: VN220

Paper 12 x7.43 - $64
Medium Stretched Canvas
21 x 13 - $224
Large Stretched Canvas
29 x 18 - $407
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed

Lady in Red

Oil 20 x 24


Giclee available
Paper 8x14 - $80
Medium Stretched Canvas
12 x 21 - $209
Large Stretched Canvas
16 x 28 - $350
Inquire: Collectors Choice Ed


Ocean Dreams

16 x 12




Evening Breeze

9 x 12




~ Inquire about License opportunities ~

~ Paintings page 2 ~

Nizovtsev giclees: Page 1 ~ Page 2 ~ Page 3 ~ Harlequins ~ Mermaids ~ Angels ~ New Giclee Arrivals ~
Order Form for Nizovtsev Giclees

215 Main Street Annapolis MD 21401 • 410-267-7077

Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 5:30, Sunday 12:00 - 5:30, Thursday til 9:00pm